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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mo and Kita need to get a man

As a Philadelphia native and a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles, I know I might catch alot of slack when I admit that I actually kind of like the T.O. Show. And not only that, but I kind of like T.O. I've been given the fulll run-down on why he's so hated, but I have to say, I think he's just misunderstood. I did a little bit of research and I discovered that Terrell had a very sheltered childhood. He grew up across the street from his father without ever knowing it. He wasn't ever allowed to leave the front yard, even when he got a new bike for Christmas. So given that he was forbidden to play sports until high school, I think he deserves the right to show off his unwavering skill. The whole "sharpie" thing...many fans hated, but he made some little kid's day by pulling a marker out of his sock and signing the football that he just scored with. Not to be shallow...but he's also got a hot bod.
Many things about this show that I hate (read: obsess over and love afterall).

Let's begin with Mo and Kita. These girls say they are his "publicists," but they don't spend an ounce of energy on publicizing Terrell. Instead, they "ride his back" hard about hitting on girls and going to the club. All the while, they're sitting at the club like wet rags that I used to wash my car, giving death stares to every girl who even glances at TO. I suspect that they've had/want several orgies with Terrell and get angry when they realize he only used them to relieve his built up stress caused by being traded every few seasons. They mention several times during the 30 minute episode that Terrell needs to focus on the plan at hand and stop slacking off. They also mention several times that it's the off season. What exactly does he need to focus on during the off season? They claim that it's finding him a real woman to love...but a guy's gotta start somewhere...there were several "real" women at the club, and the real estate agent...what was wrong with her?...besides the skirt about to explode while at the same time revealing something chunky hiding underneath, the bending over the bed 5 minutes after introduction, the bikini lap dance in the hot tub, etc.

I gather 20 minutes in that the real plan is to reunite TO with Felicia, his ex-fiancee whom he cheated on. WHAT?! Why in the WORLD would this girl want to see the guy that jilted her? Yes, he's a gazillionaire, and yes he's hiding basketballs inside his arms, but what girl in her right mind is going to agree to go out with a man who undoubtedly turned her world upside down (first in a good way, then in a bad way). Nevertheless, Felicia accepts Terrell's call and agrees to meet him. She even dances around the infidelity subject and laughs when TO plays it off like he doesn't remember. I think/hope that she has an ulterior motive here. I'm thinking she's already got someone who she's in love with which is why she could give a crap about TO humiliating her, and I think she's planning revenge. Maybe get him to admit he still loves her, propose again with a new million dollar ring, then bring up the fact that she's already engaged, and sell the ring for 10mil.

Here's hoping.

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